Hey, I'm Adam Naumovski


Have a look around at the Programs / Websites i have created.
Enjoy!! And let me know what you think!!

About Me

About Me

Hey i'm Adam, i am 34 years of age. I have made some changes in my life, I had a passion for Programming / Coding. With long days and nights problem solving i have successfully developed games and also done some web development.

My Journey



NanoDegree (Intro to Programming) - Udacity

~ Animal Trading Cards - HTML And Css.
~ Text-Based Adventure Game - Python
~ Text-Based Rock Paper Scissors Game - Python
~ ECommerce Shopping Cart - HTML, Css And JavaScript


Self taught

~ Barrel Jump - Python Pygame 2D
~ Learning Xcode for Apple, Have tried to remake the barrel jump game.
~ I have also done some Unity 3D and Unreal engine games with abit of C# scripting.
~ I am enrolled with GameDev.tv the courses are Unity and Unreal.

2023 - 2024

Certificate IV Information Technology - Upskilled

~ Develop mobile applications.
~ Build a user interface.
~ Identify and resolve client ICT problems.
~ Test software developments.
~ Write scripts for software applications.

My Skills

Coding Skills

HTML 55%

CSS 45%

JavaScript 5%

Python 45%

Contact Me!